Lucie Clavet
Conseillère en voyages
- 118-B, Curé-Labelle, Laval, H7L 2Z4
- 450-628-6241
- 1-866-628-6241
- 418-661-0618
- 450-625-0116
- lucieclavet@voyagesaquaterra.com
Passionnée de voyages et surtout passionnée de recherches, il me fera plaisir de vous dénicher le voyage de vos rêves!

Carte des destinations Agent
ne pas effacer
COSTA RICA - Costa Rica
GRECE - Grece
ITALIE - Italie
PORTUGAL - Portugal
SUISSE - Suisse
: Canada et �tas-Unis - République Dominicaine - Venuzuela
BAHAMAS : Nassau
BERMUDES : Bermudes
COSTA RICA : Costa Rica - Costa Rica
CROISIèRES : Norwegian Cruise Line
CUBA : Cayo Santa Maria - Cuba - Varadero
ESPAGNE : Espagne - Barcelone - Malaga - Marbella - Ronda
ETATS-UNIS : Floride
EUROPE : Monaco - Côte d'Azur
FRANCE : France
GRECE : Grece - Grece
GRENADE : Grenade
ITALIE : Venise - Italie - Italie - Rome
LES ROCHEUSES : Les Rocheuses
MEXIQUE : Puerto Vallarta
PORTUGAL : Portugal - Portugal
SUISSE : Suisse - Suisse
Information request
Offset your trip with me!

Marie A.
We are very very satisfied with the trip you have organized to Cuba for the last week of February. The hotel you suggested corresponded totally to our expectations practical, central, clean and welcoming.

Christian M.
We have just returned from Cancun, full of memories of an incredible place where everything went well. I wanted to thank you for your flawless service: transfers on time and nice, choice of the ideal hotel.

Robert G.
After returning from this magnificent tour, I would like to express our satisfaction with the organization, punctuality and professionalism of the various participants throughout our trip.

Jacynthe M.
Return of a very beautiful trip to Brazil. Aqua Terra recommended us very well for the luxury guest house in Rio. We are happy to have followed their advices for the few more days in Boibepa, we loved!
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